Saturday, March 22, 2008

Indian Island Protester's Trial Begins April 28

Jefferson County Courthouse
1820 Jefferson Street, Port Townsend
April 28 - May 3
9 am - 5 pm each day until the trial ends

"In such civil resistance cases, what we have are individuals attempting to prevent the ongoing commission of international crimes under well-recognized principles of international and U.S. domestic law.” -Francis Boyle, international law expert

Bethel Prescott and Liz Rivera Goldstein were arrested at the gates of the Indian Island Naval base during a peace protest on April 21, 2007. The women are facing three months in jail and a $1,000 fine for standing against the war and protesting the increased role and environmental and safety danger posed by the major weapons shipping depot on the west coast. Their trial begins Monday, April 28.

Rare opportunity to present legal "Necessity Defense

The activists will be presenting the “necessity defense”, which will allow a discussion international law and the illegality of the Iraq war and occupation during the trial.

Witnesses for the defense include:

• Daniel Ellsberg - author, activist, former Pentagon official, Ellsberg released the Pentagon Papers during the Vietnam War

• Dahr Jamail
- Independent US reporter and photographer

• Doug Rokke
-former Director of the U.S. Army Depleted Uranium (DU) Project

• Seth Mazel
- Iraq Veterans Against the War

Witnesses will testify in the court each day, and arrangements are being made for public presentations in the evenings. The trial will cost over $6,000 for legal fees, court costs, and witness travel expenses.

Your support is needed! Here us how you can help:

Donate to the defense fund. Send checks payable to:
Liz Rivera Goldstein
94 Cook Avenue Ext., Port Townsend, WA 98368

Home stays needed for witnesses and out of town supporters

Your Frequent flyer miles can be used to fly expert witnesses

to transport witnesses to airport

Come to the trial and show your support!

Fundraising Event Saturday, April 22 - details coming soon

For more information contact: Liz Rivera Goldstein

For updates go to

“Necessity is the author of change”