Friday, September 29, 2006

Indian Island Action in the news

Hear a KBCS radio report on the demonstation.

Veterans for Peace consider next move after depot protest

Court Next Stop for Protesters

Willing to do Whatever it Takes,2403,BSUN_19088_5017847,00.html

Declare Peace at Indian Island - 37 Arrested

Groups to Hold Day of Protest,2403,BSUN_19088_5016428,00.html

Demonstrators Plan Protest at Indian Island Gate

Sunday, September 24, 2006

37 Arrested at Indian Island Naval Base to Protest the Occupation of Iraq

Saturday, Sept. 23, 2006, Port Townsend, Washington

37 people were arrested at Indian Island, a naval base near Port Townsend, Washington. The protest was one of many carried out across the country as part of a national "Declaration of Peace" campaign, which calls for a comprehensive plan for withdrawal from Iraq and opposition to future invasions of other countries. The arrests were witnessed by over 350 supporters who participated in a 4 mile peace march to the navy base, which is the main weapons shipping depot on the west coast.

The day began at 7 am, as members of Veterans for Peace began setting up "Arlington West", a memorial to the nearly 3,000 service people who have died in Iraq. As people began to arrive at HJ Carroll Park, they were met by the sight of rows and rows of crosses and grave markers with the names of those who have died in the war and occupation. It was a heartbreaking and sobering sight, which set a thoughtful tone for the day. While those gathered smiled and listened to music, they were reminded of the loss of so many fine people, and the death of thousands of innocent Iraqis.

Over 22 organizations shared information at the peace and justice festival, while local musicians Raven and Hawk, along with the Raging Grannies, sang songs of protest. Those interested in being arrested in a nonviolent direct action at the military base gathered with supporters to discuss nonviolence, legal issues, and to plan their action. People had come from across Washington State, and many had never met before. Press reporters recorded video and took pictures of the discussion. Liz Rivera Goldstein spoke of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., and their writing that teaches that we are not in a battle with law enforcement, or even military service people. She said their presence at the navy facility is meant to shine a light on the immorality and illegality of the Iraq war, and to increases awareness of the environmental destruction and danger posed by the base to Jefferson County and the entire Puget Sound. “We know we won't end the war this weekend, but we will send a message to our elected officials that we want to war to end, and I think our actions will encourage more people to speak out against war.” said Rivera Goldstein.

After reciting a pledge from the national Declaration of Peace to follow guidelines to remain nonviolent, the four-mile march to Indian Island began. Children, dogs, seniors with walkers, students and those who had marched in protests during the Viet Nam war marched under warm skies, assisted by peace keepers and a sheriff who made sure crossing roads was done safely.

After over an hour of walking, the marchers reached the bridge to Indian Island. The sheriff's department stopped all car traffic, and the marchers crossed the bridge. The bridge was filled rail to rail with people, and the front line was young people and students- including a young boy around 8 years old, joined with teens and others near twenty, carrying a huge sign that read, "End the occupation of Iraq - Bring the troops home". People ask, where are the young people are in the peace movement? Today, they were here, leading hundreds to the base.

In a little park across from the navy base, those prepared to be arrested linked arms in 5 lines of 7 or eight people. Chanting together "We are war resisters", they took one step forward. Repeating that line, they moved up the road to the base. Over 22 officers stood in front of locked gates to the base. The chant changed to "We are peace promoters". One man stepped forward and walked right up to the gate-, which meant he crossed the "blue line" and was technically on the base - even though he was outside of the gate. He quietly held the bars of the gate, and the other protesters turned their backs to face the supporters below, across the road in the small park. But the supporters weren't across the road. They had moved up to a grassy area near the road to the base entrance.

Protesters sat down and waited. There was no traffic on the road while the protest occurred. A sheriff announced that the group had 10 minutes to decide to be arrested or to clear off the road. Protesters began to sing, "Last Night I had the Strangest Dream I ever had before. I dreamed the world had all agreed to put an end to war." Steve Durfee, a local performer with the arrestee group, led the song like Pete Seeger - saying the next line so everyone could sing together. And hundreds sang, and when they got to the line about joining hands, everyone held hands together on the road.

In this beautiful setting on Puget Sound, the bay was glittering, Mt. Rainier was in the distant background, and the trees and mountains were peaceful. "It seems such a shame that the military is here, shipping death and horror to Iraq and around the world.” said one of the protesters.

The sheriff asked if protesters wanted to be arrested sitting or standing, and most protesters stood up. The police first handcuffed two members of Youth Against War and Racism in Seattle, who were the youngest protesters in the group. Then the others were handcuffed and led to two Jefferson Transit buses, to be taken to the Jefferson County Jail. Before the buses left, supporters blew kisses and thanked arrestees.

Those arrested were given a citation for disorderly conduct, with a fine of $250. Arrestees plan to contest the citation. They were also given a “ban and bar” letter from the base commander. Several protesters thanked the arresting officers for handling them with such care and respect. Arrestees returned the park where the day began, to hear a concert by Joe Breskin and David Rovics.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Staying overnight

Declare Peace at Indian Island
Saturday Sept. 23rd

Take the Next Big Step to End the Occupation of Iraq!

Indian Island Naval Weapons Depot is the main West Coast port used to ship weapons to Iraq and elsewhere overseas. We oppose these shipments from Indian Island.

Come to HJ Carroll Park

(off Hwy 19 between Chimacum and Port Townsend)

11 am: Peace and Justice Festival
information from organizations across the state
Women In Black from across the state will be joining us
Raging Grannies will serenade us
Arlington Northwest will be on display

11:30 Meeting for those interested in participating in nonviolent direct action

1:30 pm: Peace March to Indian Island Weapons Depot

3:00 pm: Nonviolent Resistance Action at Indian Island

5:00 pm: Music concert - David Rovics, Big Whoop -9 piece funk band,
Poets Against the War -other bands tba

Download the Declare Peace at Indian Island flyer

For Updates and Information email:

To reserve a table for festival contact:

Schedule a nonviolent direct action workshop in your community.
We have many trainers willing to do workshops in different cities.
Contact Rosy Betz-zall 206-782-9305

This action is coordinated with similar actions nationwide in conjunction with The Declaration of Peace A Commitment to Take Action to:
* Establish a Comprehensive, Concrete U.S. Withdrawal Plan from Iraq *
* Oppose New U.S. Military Invasions *
Pledge to Take Nonviolent Action to Bring the Troops Home Now at

Declaration of Peace Washington Sponsors:
Teen Peace Project, Ground Zero for Nonviolent Action, Erika Hamerquist,
North Kitsap Neighbors for Peace, Peace Action of WA, Western Washington Fellowship of Reconcilliation

Declaration of Peace Washington Endorsers:
Green Party of Washington State, Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Social Justice Committee, Sound Peace and Justice, Youth Against War and Racism,

Oak Bay Parks

* Directions: East of Port Hadlock. Travel east on Oak Bay Rd. from the stop light at the Port Hadlock intersection, travel 2 miles, turn left on Portage Way Rd., follow Portage Way Rd. down to campground area. Upper Oak Bay Park: turn left on PortageWay Rd. and another quick left on to Cleveland Street, travel approximately ½ mile turn right into the campground on Upper Oak Bay Park Road. The lower campsites are best for folks in RVs.

This is a first-come, first-served park. No reservations are available.

Fort Flagler

Fort Flagler State Park is a 784-acre marine camping park surrounded on three sides by 19,100 feet of saltwater shoreline. The park rests on a high bluff overlooking Puget Sound, with views of the Olympic and Cascade Mountains. Many historic buildings remain at this 19th-century-established military fort.

From Seattle or Edmonds:

Take Kingston Ferry or Bainbridge Island Ferry, and follow signs to Hood Canal Bridge. Cross over and drive five miles, then turn right onto easily-missed Hwy. 19 (Beaver Valley Rd.). Travel 10 miles to the Chimacum four-way stop. Take a right on Chimacum-Center Rd. At four-way stop in Port Hadlock, turn right onto Oak Bay Rd. Go approximately one mile and turn left onto SR 116. Fort Flagler is at end of road, approximately 10 miles from the Oak Bay Rd.

Old Fort Townsend

This 367-acre marine camping park features 3,960 feet of saltwater shoreline on Port Townsend Bay. The heavily wooded park has a rich military history dating from pioneer days.

This is a first-come, first-served park. No reservations are available.

Located on the Olympic Peninsula, four miles south of Port Townsend, Wash.

From SR 20: Approximately two miles south of Port Townsend, turn east on Old Fort Townsend Rd. drive one-half mile to reach the park.

Fort Worden

Fort Worden State Park Conference Center is a 433-acre multi-use park with 11,020 feet of saltwater shoreline and a wide variety of services and facilities. The park rests on a high bluff overlooking Puget Sound. Many historic buildings remain at this 19th century military fort.

From South Seattle and Tacoma:
Take the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Hwy. 16) northwest to Bremerton, and Hwy. 3 north to the Hood Canal Bridge. Cross the bridge and take Hwy. 19 (about five miles, turn right) north through Chimacum to Port Townsend. With normal traffic, it is 1 1/2 hours driving from the Tacoma Narrows bridge to Fort Worden State Park.

From Seattle or Everett:
Take the Bainbridge Island or Edmonds/Kingston ferry, and travel to the Hood Canal Bridge. Cross the bridge and in about five miles take Hwy. 19 north (to the right) through Chimacum to Port Townsend. With normal traffic, it is one hour from Kingston to Fort Worden State Park.

From Mt. Vernon, Bellingham, Vancouver B.C.:
Take Hwy. 20 west from Mt. Vernon to Whidbey Island, follow it south to the Keystone Ferry. Take the Keystone Ferry (1/2 hour crossing time) to Port Townsend.

online reservations:

Chimacum Park

Chimacum. Heading north on HWY 19 from the stoplight at the Chimacum intersection, go past West Valley road, park is 300 feet on your left look for brown park sign.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Getting here

by car
From the Hood Canal Bridge, head north on Hwy 104, follow signs toward Port Townsend and take Hwy 19. Drive past the school complex in Chimacum. HJ Carroll Park is located on the right at HJ Carroll Road.

by bus There is only one bus run on Saturday! It leaves from the ferry at 10:15 am. The bus back to the ferry leaves from the Jeff. Co Library at 3:25.
From the Bainbridge ferry - take Kitsap Transit # 90 to the Poulsbo Transfer Center. Transfer to Jefferson Transit # 7 and ride to the Jefferson County Library.
Carpool vans are now confirmed to shuttle folks from the library to the park, or walk up to Hwy 19 and turn left to walk back toward HJ Carroll Park.

Olympia has chartered a bus from Olympia to HJ Carroll Park. This bus will stop to meet the Bremerton ferry and pick up more riders.
To reserve a seat- email